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Thursday, July 26, 2018

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

Nowadays young people grow up with stereotypes found in the internet. Physical, intellectual and dress stereotypes are formed at a young age. If you are not  part of this stereotype, you are considered "weird" and cast out of society. After being considered awkward, even if you  fight to be part of the '' normal, '' they separate you from everyone and exclude you.  This happened in the Twilight Zone episode “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. Mrs. Tyler was considered ugly, but she still tried to be part of the ‘‘normal’’ society. After the 11th attempt, Mrs. Tyler was excluded from society and taken to a place with people equal to her physic. The Twilight Zone tries to make the audience reflect on how we are treating people who are different from everyone else, that beauty cannot be defined. Beauty can be unique and should not be excluded because it is uncommon. The scene when the doctor was going to remove the bandages on the Mrs. Tyler eleventh attempt, a man was heard talking on television, who was speaking to a large audience that applauded everything he said. What this man said, was that now everyone could be the same, because the stereotype that everyone had to follow was already in place. THIS episode showcases what is really happening today, when someone is different they are set apart. Perhaps, it is not literally what happens in the episode that Mrs. Tyler has to go far from society, but in the minds of the "normal" people, the different ones are separated. Sadly, our society cannot accept what is different and even worse, those who cannot reach the stereotype that the society is often humiliated, mistreated and discriminated against. For example, how many girls have not committed suicide because they are humiliated by not complying with the stereotype of being thin to be pretty. Or also, for not complying with fashion, or for having different skin color. No one should be excluded or discriminated against because they are different, beauty is not found in one way, it can vary in a thousand ways.

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